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5 Essential Considerations When Considering Tower Crane Rentals

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It's pretty strange not to come across a tower crane on commercial construction sites, primarily where contractors work on high-rise buildings. Such projects rely heavily on tower cranes for lifting or lowering heavy construction equipment and materials. However, purchasing tower cranes can be an expensive endeavour, which makes hiring a more viable option. When looking into crane hire, there are several things to consider to make an informed decision. They include: 

The Boom Length and Tail Swing

Before hiring a tower crane, consider its boom length and tail swing. The efficient operation of a tower crane will depend on surrounding structures and features, including power lines, tall buildings, trees and so forth. Continuing constructions nearby could also impact the proper function of the tower crane. Therefore, consider these factors to determine the ideal boom length and tail swing for your tower crane. 

Load Weight and Pick Distance

Tower cranes rise above the structures being constructed to facilitate bulky material and equipment lifting. Therefore, to choose the ideal tower crane, determine the maximum weight of materials or equipment you require lifting. Besides, calculate the maximum radius of your construction site to determine the crane's reach. These two aspects are crucial in helping you choose the ideal tower crane. 

Power and Hook Line Speed

When your building is set to rise many storeys above, it's imperative to consider the high hook line speed of a tower crane you'll be hiring. You'll likely require high gear speeds for raising and lowering lighter weights quickly. Furthermore, ensure that the hoist of your crane has adequate power for lifting the heaviest loads to the building's maximum height. 

Deciding Between Hammerheads and Luffers

When hiring your tower cranes, you might be forced to choose between hammerhead cranes and luffer cranes. While hammerheads are more affordable, nearby obstructions might limit their usefulness. Therefore, it'll be wise to assess your construction site and its environs to determine whether you will go for a hammerhead or luffer crane.

The Time Limit

Finally, tower cranes require more time to dismantle and move to another construction site than other types of cranes. Therefore, it's vital to understand when you will require to hire your tower crane and its duration onsite. Different crane rental companies have different terms and rates. Some might offer weekly or monthly rates, while others might offer daily rental rates. Therefore, engage the crane rental company and inquire about your tower crane rental terms and duration.
