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Is Your Ground Too Wet for Building?

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When planning the construction of a new home or commercial site, it is important that you spend time making plans for all of the problems you could encounter during the construction phase. You will want to make certain that your planning permits are in order and that you have the right materials, men and construction equipment to get the job done. You will also want to look at specific problems which you could encounter on your site as the work progresses. One of the biggest problems faced on building sites is excess water in the ground.

Why is water a problem?

Some building sites have obvious groundwater that needs to be removed before construction can begin. In other locations, there may not be any visible water when you first visit the site but you could still find that your footings fill up as soon as you start to dig. If your site suffers from excess water, then you will find it impossible to build effectively unless you find a dewatering solution.

How do dewatering pumps work?

If you want to build then you must have dry ground to work properly. If you try to excavate in wet ground or where there is surface water you will struggle to make progress and the environment will quickly become dangerous. Using dewatering pumps will lower the water table in the surrounding area and ensure that any trenches that you dig remain dry enough for footings to be laid.

Why not use conventional pumps?

You might be tempted to try and use conventional water pumps to remove the water from your site but that would be a serious mistake. While normal pumps are ideal for moving water from one location to another, if you try to use them to extract water from the soil they will rapidly become clogged. Dewatering pumps are specifically designed to take water out from dirt and sludge and leave the solid materials behind. The water will be pumped to a convenient location far away from the building site. It might be directed to a storm sewer or nearby lake depending on your location.

Which dewatering pumps?

If your site needs help from dewatering pumps then you must consider which dewatering system is most appropriate for your situation. You might decide to adopt the wellpoint dewatering system or something else. Your engineering team will be able to examine your location and select a suitable dewatering method that will keep your site dry while construction continues.

For more information, contact a local dewatering pump supplier.
